No Regrets – The Story of Bill Jackson (Cree)
No Regrets – The Story of Bill Jackson (Cree)

No Regrets – The Story of Bill Jackson (Cree)

Bill grew up in the days of residential schools. He recalls giving the school problems so he was not allowed by the authorities to go back. He was dismissed when he was 15. A couple of years later while Bill was walking down the road a young man asked him a question that he wasn’t sure how to answer. But it caught his attention. Soon after, Bill put his trust in Jesus Christ, and the course of his life changed forever. This is Bill’s testimony… I’ll never come to the place where I’m sorry I trusted in Jesus Christ.


  1. John Greyeyes

    Awesome testimony by my friend bill Jackson I’ve talked to Bill and his precious wife if I were to describe him in one word HUMBLE and God has blessed him in many ways and he gives glory to God.

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