With a striking level of honesty, Karen shares about her darkest hours amid a deep depression, the despair that had her bound, and the love that set her free. If you or someone you know has ever struggled with the pain and shame of the past, suicidal thoughts, or any level of depression, then you’ll want to listen to this amazing story. There truly is hope and healing in Jesus. Karen is living proof!
Beautiful testimony! One day I will come and meet you and your husband!
Thank you for sharing. Praise God
so beautiful! blessed to hear this testimony! the Lord richly bless you beloved!
What a powerful testimony and I thank you for sharing it! I started crying as you were speaking about being so frustrated and shaking a fist at the Father. Many have been there – even after accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Feeling so worn down by life\’s circumstances and road ruff with many unanswered questions. Yet, it was only by going though the \’birthing process\’ that I could see what The Father was trying to teach me! I\’ve repented of my foolishness and currently He is allowing me to rest – Thank You Father!!
It\’s remarkable how connected we are to each other, and I am grateful for the love of Jesus by what He did on the Cross to save us from our sins! His Hand is open and invites all to accept and follow His Way (back) into The Father\’s Kingdom! My prayer is to be the instrument that brings people to know Jesus – \”Create in me Lord a new spirit/soul that encourages others to follow You, Your Way, and bring You glory – Forever!\” Amen
Thank you, Karen, for your powerful testimony!
What a wonderful testimony Karen shares. She is truly a beautiful creation through Christ. I had the privilege of getting to know her a few years ago, and she really does live to serve her risen Savior. Thank you, Karen, for being a true and faithful follower.
Have known about “Without Reservation” for a long time. Glad to be able to visit the website occasionally! Love the LORD GOD of All Nations, JESUS the Saviour of us all!